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About us

Our mission is to provide products and experiences that help you relive those joyful times, ensuring that the warmth of your fondest memories stays with you forever.

How We Start

Our Journey Began In 2021

Following the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, life as we knew it was profoundly impacted. The aftermath of the infection has led to a widespread increase in forgetfulness. Tasks that were once simple have become challenging, whether it’s work-related oversights due to forgetfulness or unpleasant moments in daily life caused by the same issue, all contributing to a sense of loss. To help people hold onto key moments and cherished memories, ReminisceNotes was created. It’s here to empower individuals with the strength and tools necessary to mitigate the adverse effects in both their personal and professional lives.

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Our mission

Committed to Care

How to use small tools that won’t create a financial burden to help people remember every key and happy moment in life is the direction we strive towards.

Our duty

100% Authenticity Guarantee on All Products

We offers products with reminder functions, specialty stationery, stickers, models, and more. Every product undergoes personal quality inspection, and we only recommend items that meet our high standards.

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